Monday, January 16, 2012

The Start of a New Semester!

First of all, I’m sorry this blog post is a little late.  Starting a new semester has always been a little overwhelming; starting a new semester with my new responsibilities seems a bit more O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-I-N-G.  Just hang in there with me; I’ll get the time management part of this figured out.  I do want to make it clear that my highest priority is to support you and what goes on in your classrooms.  When I get busy I sometimes don’t catch the obvious – so please be sure and communicate with me so that I know what kind of support will help you the most.
One thing that a lot of you have mentioned over the last several weeks is teacher aids.  I did get that finished up this afternoon; I’ll be emailing you individually to let you know the who & when of your student aid situation.  Please keep in mind that the high school kids have until the end of the day on Thursday to change their schedules, so there could be changes to student aids until then.  So if your aid is working well for you and still showing up on Friday; do the happy dance!  (I’ll let you know of any changes.)
As far as what is going on this week….
Spelling Bee on Wednesday @ 8:30 in the multipurpose area.  Huge thanks and appreciation to Sue for organizing that event for us! 
Principal’s Club for K-2 on Thursday and 3-4 on Friday.  I am going to start doing this on two days again since I’ll be covering both age groups.  I realize this is rather late notice of that change, if it causes a problem with your schedule please let me know and we’ll do something different. 
Pooh Day at the Library on Friday for the Kindergarteners. 

Thanks for the thoughts you posted about the mission statement last week.  If you still have some thoughts you would like to add about that please feel free to do so. 

Have a great week!

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